
Below is a list of required and optional arguments that pixy accepts.


--stats [pi|fst|dxy]
Which statistics to calculate from the VCF (pi, dxy, and/or fst, separated by spaces)
--vcf [path/to/vcf.vcf.gz]
Path to the input VCF (bgzipped and tabix indexed).
--populations [path/to/populations_file.txt]
Path to the populations file. See quick start for format.

In addition, one of either:

--window_size [integer]
Window size in base pairs over which to calculate pi/dxy.
--bed_file [path/to/populations_file.txt]
Path to a headerless .BED file containing regions (chrom, chromStart, chromEnd) over which to calculate summary statistics

Optional arguments:

--n_cores [integer]
Number of CPUs to utilize for parallel processing (default=1).
--output_folder [path/to/output/folder]
Folder where output will be written, e.g. path/to/output_folder, defaults to current working directory.
--output_prefix [prefix]
Optional prefix for output file(s), e.g. ‘output’ will result in writing to [output folder]/output_pi.txt, defaults to ‘pixy’.
--chromosomes [‘list,of,chromosomes’]
A single-quoted, comma separated list of chromosome(s) (e.g. ‘X,1,2’). Defaults to all chromosomes in the VCF.
--interval_start [integer]
The start of a specific interval over which to calculate pi/dxy. Only valid when calculating over a single chromosome. Defaults to 1.
--interval_end [integer]
The end of a specific interval over which to calculate pi/dxy. Only valid when calculating over a single chromosome. Defaults to the last position for a chromosome.
--sites_file [path/to/sites_file.txt]
Path to a tab separated file containing a headerless list of sites (CHROM, POS) to (exclusively) include in calculations
--chunk_size [integer]
Approximate number of sites to read from VCF at any given time. Defaults to 100000. Smaller numbers can reduce memory use.
--fst_type [wc|hudson]
FST estimator to use, one of either: ‘wc’ (Weir and Cockerham 1984) or ‘hudson’ (Hudson 1992, Bhatia et al. 2013). Defaults to ‘wc’
--bypass_invariant_check [no|yes]
Bypass the check for invariant sites. Use with caution!
Print the pixy version number.
Print the citation for pixy.
Print the help message.
Suppress all console output (flag, no value required).

An example:

pixy --stats pi fst dxy \
--vcf data/vcf/ag1000/chrX_36Ag_allsites.vcf.gz \
--populations Ag1000_sampleIDs_popfile.txt \
--window_size 10000 \
--n_cores 4 \
--output_folder output \
--output_prefix pixy_output